Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend of 7/19/08 - today (7/21/08)

(this is what the floor to the bathroom looked like initially)
So we did a lot of work inside the house this weekend. Last weekend we got in on a huge 25% off private sale and bought all our floors, cabinets, lights, etc which is great. This weekend we completely redid the floor in the upstairs bathroom and installed the new toilet. Tonight I got the sink in place and need to get the right length for the plumbing hot and cold lines (I always end up getting lines that are too short it seems). Saturday I sprayed the entire downstairs with a 1st coat of primer and my wife did the second coat tonight. We also got a good quote to install all the cabinets, counters, sink, etc for the kitchen which will help out a ton on our timeline. Once the kitchen is updated I will show after pics.

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